Objective To assess the clinical effects of "Tongjingan Plaster" in the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea. 目的观察“痛经安”敷贴剂治疗原发性痛经的临床疗效。
Indirect moxibustion in treatment of primary dysmenorrhea of cold-damp coagulation type 隔物灸治疗原发性痛经寒湿凝滞型的临床观察
Study on Distribution of TCM Syndromes and the Characteristic Database of the Tongue of Primary Dysmenorrhea 原发性痛经疾病中医证型分布及其舌象特征的相关研究
Clinical Investigations on the Treatment of Primary Dysmenorrhea of Congealing Cold and Blood Stasis with Tuina Therapy 推拿治疗寒凝血瘀型原发性痛经的临床研究
Objective: To study the microcirculation mechanism of the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea with Tong ′ an decoction. 目的:观察痛安汤治疗原发性痛经的微循环机制。
Observation of Efficacy of Psycho-Intervention and Warming-Meridian Decoction on Primary Dysmenorrhea 心理干预配合温经汤治疗原发性痛经的疗效观察
Objective To observe the effect of ginger-partitioned moxibustion in the treatment of patients with primary dysmenorrhea ( PD) of cold-damp stagnation type. 目的:观察隔物灸治疗寒湿凝滞型原发性痛经的临床疗效。
Clinic Research of Treatment of Primary Dysmenorrhea Using the Analgesic Plaster of Compound of Rhizoma Arisaematis by Sticking to the Navel 复方南星止痛膏敷脐治疗原发性痛经(寒湿凝滞型)的临床研究
Method: 28 cases of primary dysmenorrhea child-bearing period and unmarried women ( at the age of 20~ 27 years) were selected with certain diagnostic standard. 方法:选择年龄在20~27岁符合诊断标准的原发性痛经育龄期未婚女性28例。
Clinical Observation on Ginger-isolated Moxibustion Treatment with Primary Dysmenorrhea Caused by the Cold and Blood Stagnation 艾条隔姜温和灸治疗寒凝血瘀型原发性痛经的临床疗效观察
The acupuncture and moxibustion series curative effect of Western medicine series against Chinese medicine contrasts in primary dysmenorrhea 中西药与中药针灸治疗原发性特通疗效对照
Antidysmenorrheic Effects of Active Components Extract from Myrrha on Mice Primary Dysmenorrhea Model 没药不同提取物对小鼠痛经模型的影响
Statistical analysis on different methods of acupuncture-moxibustion in treating primary dysmenorrhea in recent 20 years 近20年原发性痛经针灸方法统计分析
Experimental Study of Wuji Baifeng Wan Treatment of Primary Dysmenorrhea 乌鸡白凤丸治疗原发性痛经的实验研究
The Physical Investigation and Analysis of Relevant Factors of Primary Dysmenorrhea Athletes 运动员原发性痛经体质调查及相关因素分析
Investigation on the Pathogenic Factor of Primary Dysmenorrhea of Female Students in Western Guangdong 粤西高校女大学生原发性痛经相关因素的调查分析
Clinical Research on Effect of Needling Some Certain Points in Different Intervening Time for the Treatment of Primary Dysmenorrhea 不同介入时机针刺组穴治疗原发性痛经的临床研究
To further evaluate the efficacy of GF in treatment of primary dysmenorrhea. 为了进一步评估绿在原发性痛经的治疗效果。
Review on Experimental Research on the Basis of Acupoints Selected in Primary Dysmenorrhea 原发性痛经选穴基础的实验研究概况
Clinical Study on Primary Dysmenorrhea by Pricking Single Acupoint and Acupoint Combination before the Menstruation 经前针刺单穴与多穴治疗原发性痛经的临床研究
The Research of Pain Suppressing and the Immune Mechanism Caused by Electro Acupuncture Therapy on Primary Dysmenorrhea Rats Clinical Study on Primary Dysmenorrhea by Pricking Single Acupoint and Combination Acupoint When Pain 电针对原发性痛经模型大鼠镇痛效应及免疫机制的研究疼痛时针刺单穴与组穴治疗原发性痛经的临床研究
Hemodynamic Changes of Uterine Artery with Primary Dysmenorrhea during the Peried around Menstruation Evaluated by Ultrasound and It's Relationship with Syndrome Differentiation 原发性痛经经期前后子宫动脉血流灌注的超声评价与中医辩证关系
Summary of optimize program evaluation and clinical common technologies of acupuncture treatment of primary dysmenorrhea 针灸治疗原发性痛经优化方案评价及临床共性技术研究概述
ScienceDaily ( Aug.11,2010)& Primary dysmenorrhea ( PDM), or menstrual cramps, is the most common gynecological disorder in women of childbearing age. 科技日报(2010,8.11)&原发性痛经(PDM),或经期痉挛,是妇女在生孩子前最常见的妇科症状。
Objective: Study the laws of choose point to cure primary dysmenorrhea by moxibustion, in order to provide theory basis to regulate and promote moxibustion therapy dysmenorrhea. 目的:总结应用灸法治疗痛经的选穴规律,为规范与推广灸法治疗痛经提供理论依据。
Objective: To observe the clinical effect of vibrating abdomen combined with finger acupoints pressure for primary dysmenorrhea in female athletes. 目的:观察振腹为主配合点穴手法治疗女运动员原发性痛经的临床疗效。
Observations on the Analgesic Time-effect Regularity of Acupuncture only at Shiqizhui ( Extra 18) in Primary Dysmenorrhea Patients 单刺十七椎对原发性痛经患者止痛作用时效规律的观察
Effect of Mental Factors on Primary Dysmenorrhea in Female University Students 心理因素对女大学生原发性痛经的影响
Objective To observe the effect of dredging liver to regulate qi and remove stasis in the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea. 目的:观察疏肝化瘀汤治疗特发性水肿的临床疗效及血液流变学指标变化。
Modern medicine has been divided into primary dysmenorrhea and secondary dysmenorrhea. 现代医学将其分为原发性痛经和继发性痛经。